• Hotel Kamei
  • Ubytovanie, Turistika, Hotel Kamei, Hotel slovensko
  • Sluzby, Bar, Tenisove kurty, Rybacka, Polovacka
  • Wellness, Hotel Kamei, Sauna, Bazen, Rekreacia
  • Cennik, Hotel Kamei, Lyzovanie, Jazda na koni
  • Fotogaleria, Drevene kostoliky, Zemplin, Vychodne karpaty
hotel Kamei, hotel Slovensko, wellness, sauna, bazen, lacne ubytovanie
Rýchly kontakt
Phone: +421 905 729 055
E-mail: recepcia@kamei.sk
Address: Hotel Kamei, Sninské rybníky, Rybnická 2709
 069 01 Snina
Excursion - Forest singing
Kontakt, Hotel Kamei, Hotel Slovensko

  NOVÁ SEDLICA (43 km)

is an entrance gate /together with the Runina village/ for hiking in the Poloniny National Park. Peasant house, a national cultural monument, has been entered in the General List of Monuments of Slovakia under number 10 433. Its roof covering is made of straw. The original clay floor is covered by a wooden plank floor.


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