• Hotel Kamei
  • Ubytovanie, Turistika, Hotel Kamei, Hotel slovensko
  • Sluzby, Bar, Tenisove kurty, Rybacka, Polovacka
  • Wellness, Hotel Kamei, Sauna, Bazen, Rekreacia
  • Cennik, Hotel Kamei, Lyzovanie, Jazda na koni
  • Fotogaleria, Drevene kostoliky, Zemplin, Vychodne karpaty
hotel Kamei, hotel Slovensko, wellness, sauna, bazen, lacne ubytovanie
Rýchly kontakt
Phone: +421 905 729 055
E-mail: recepcia@kamei.sk
Address: Hotel Kamei, Sninské rybníky, Rybnická 2709
 069 01 Snina
Excursion - Forest singing
Kontakt, Hotel Kamei, Hotel Slovensko


Gallery of wooden church models from the East Slovakia is a unique tourist attraction in Ulič, one of the eastermost Slovak villages. Among the models we can find a church from UličskéKrivé, from RuskýPotom or from Topoľa. They are built of hard oak and pine tree wood in proportion of 1:10. This outdoor gallery is situated in a pleasant environment of a municipal park with a free access for public.


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